1)     Limitless: 100% affinity in any and every skill

2)     Gift of Tongues: Ability to comprehend almost all languages including writing.  Cannot comprehend certain higher or lower languages.  Cannot understand nonsentients.

3)     Fast Learner: +30% to skill advancement

4)     Bounty of Life: +30% growth for the physical manifestation of your Place of Power

5)     Psi Bond

a.      Level 1:  Thoughts can be shared with another being that has the ability Psi Bond.  A connection can only be completed by both parties being willing to participate.

b.      Level 2: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 25%.  She can now communicate in two word sentences.  Her Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 15%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance has increased by 10%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 250 yards to 500 yards. 

c.       Level 3: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 50%.  She can now communicate in four word sentences.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 30%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance has increased by 20%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 500 yards to 750 yards.  You can now each sense if the other is in danger.

d.      Level 4.  Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 75%.  She can now communicate in eight-word sentences.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 45%.  Your familiar’s Psi Bond has advanced to being able to form a psychic connection even with those lacking the Psi Bond ability.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance from Psi Bond has increased to 30%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 750 yards to 1000 yards.  Finally, the improved Psi Bond stabilizes your own mental fortitude.  Tasks which require strength of mind will now come easier.

d.     Level 5: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 75%.  She can now communicate with you without restriction.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by +60%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar. Your mental resistance from Psi Bond has increased to 40%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 1000 yards to 1250 yards.  Tasks which require strength of mind will come even easier than before.  Know This!  Your mental fortitude has brought your Psi Bond ability to new heights.  Eye contact offers the chance to connect with other creatures in a limited way.  The extent of the connection will vary based on the mental abilities of yourself and the recipient.  Never forget that doors can swing both ways.


Alma’s Abilities

1)     Brain Drain (Level 7): Successful kills will now give 7% of total experience to both you and your familiar.  Drain occurs faster.  Stun can occur on enemies level 31 and below.  Drain now gives you a greater understanding of Alma’s victims.  There is a chance to relive the most poignant memory of the target’s life.

2)     Psi Blast

a.      Level 1: This concentrated blast of psychic energy can stun enemies for 2-4 seconds.  The AoE is a cone extending 10 feet from the direction your familiar is facing.  Cooldown: 5 minutes.

b.     Level 2: The mental disruption caused will now also cause direct health damage.  The 2-4 second stun effect is increased to 5-7 seconds.  The initial AoE of 10 feet can be increased to 15 feet with a corresponding drop in the blast’s effectiveness or narrowed to five feet with an increase in the blast’s effectiveness.  Cooldown decreased to four minutes.

c.      Level 3:  The mental disruption and health damage are now more powerful.  The 5-7 second stun effect is increased to 8-10 seconds, and the health damage will be more severe.  A third effect is now added.  There is a possibility of disorientation for those affected that will last up to five minutes at the standard AoE of 10 feet.  The AoE of this attack can now be widened to 20 feet at the expense of the blast’s strength or narrowed to three feet with an increase in the blast’s effectiveness.  Effective range of Psi Blast is now doubled compared to baseline.  Cooldown decreased to three and a half minutes.

3)     Psi Bond

a.      Level 1:  Thoughts can be shared with another being that has the ability Psi Bond.  A connection can only be completed by both parties being willing to participate.

b.     Level 2: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 25%.  She can now communicate in two word sentences.  Her Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 15%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance has increased by 10%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 250 yards to 500 yards. 

c.      Level 3: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 50%.  She can now communicate in four word sentences.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 30%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance has increased by 20%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 500 yards to 750 yards.  You can now each sense if the other is in danger.

d.     Level 4: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 75%.  She can now communicate in eight word sentences.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 45%.  Your familiar’s Psi Bond has advanced to being able to form a psychic connection even with those lacking the Psi Bond ability.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance for Psi Bond has increased to 30%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 750 yards to 1000 yards.  Finally, the improved Psi Bond stabilizes your own mental fortitude.  Tasks which require strength of mind will now come easier.

e.      Level 5: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 100%.  She can now communicate with you without restriction.  Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 60%.  You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar.  Your mental resistance from Psi Bond has increased to 40%.  Maximum distance of communication increased from 1000 yards to 1250 yards.  Tasks which require strength of mind will come even easier than before.  The Psi Bond has provided your familiar with a greater understanding of herself and has unlocked a new ability!  Psi Channeling.

4)     Psi Channeling

a.      Level 1: You may now cast spells through your familiar.  The cast time will still be the same for you, but any restrictions based on distance can use the location of your familiar as the casting point!  At the current level, the range of Psi Channeling is one hundred yards and using this ability will require 300% greater mana usage.  Any other spell requirements will remain unchanged.

 Level 2:  At level 2, the range of Psi Channeling has increased from one hundred to two hundred yards.  Using the ability now requires 250% greater mana usage rather than 300%.  Any other spell requirements will remain unchanged.  You and your familiar may now also share mana at a loss of 3:1.