·        Weak Aided Flight:  Fires projectiles 10% faster than normal.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost: 43 mana.  Duration: 15 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 20 minutes.

·        Weak Air Push: Summons a column of air ten feet in front of you, one foot in diameter.  Does no real damage, but will knock enemies back and possibly prone.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost: 15 mana.  Duration: 1 second.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 2 min.

·        Weak Errant Wind: Increases dodge of your party to projectiles by 10%.  This spell will only work when you are outside.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost 50 mana.  Duration: 20 min.  Range: 50 feet.  Cast Time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: 45 min.

·        Glitterdust:  Creates a 5x5-foot area of shining, sharp dust.  Reveals hidden creatures and objects caught in the AoE.  Chance to blind creatures susceptible to such attacks.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost: 30 mana.  Duration: 1 min.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 30 seconds.

·        Weak Haste: Increases movement and attack speed of the target by 10%.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost 25 mana.  Duration: 10 min.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Gentle Rain: Summons a small rainstorm.  Can be cast inside. This is a spell of Air Magic, level 1.  Cost: 40 mana.  Duration: 20 min.  Range: 100 yards.  Cast Time: 5 min.  Cooldown: 1 hour.

·        Weak Lightning Bolt:  Cast a lightning bolt from your hand.  Damage 15-20. Chance to stun your target for 1-2 seconds.  This is a spell of Air Magic, level 12.  Cost: 31 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 20 yards.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 2 minutes.


·        Weak Acid Sphere: Creates a ball of acid that can be thrown at your target.  Damage 4-6 per second.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 5.  Cost: 22 mana.  Duration: 10 seconds.  Range: Throwing range of caster.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown:  N/A.

·        Weak Barkskin: Increases natural armor by +2.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 2.  Cost: 20 mana.  Duration: 20 min.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Minor Chitin Carapace: Covers the target in a flexible carapace.  Natural armor increased by +3.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 9.  Cost: 68 mana.  Duration: 25 minutes.  Range: 3 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 27 minutes.

·        Weak Static Earth Shield: Creates a magical sphere around you comprised of Earth magic.  The shield has 200 HPs.  Shield defense strength +5 (+10 vs Air).  Ineffective against Earth attacks.  Only Earth-based spells may leave the boundaries of the shield.  Physically touching your own shield will dispel it.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 10.  Cost: 136 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 24 minutes.

·        Grease: Creates a slick in a 10x10-foot area, greatly increasing chance of anyone in the area falling down.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 1.  Cost: 15 mana.  Duration: 5 min.  Range 25 feet.  Cast time: 2 seconds.   Cooldown: 10 min.

·        Summon Minor Chokespore Arachnid:  Summons a level twelve Chokespore Arachnid.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 9.  Cost: 117 mana.  Duration: 14 minutes.  Range: 8 feet.  Cast Time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: 92 minutes.

·        Summon Insects: Summons a host of stinging and biting insects in a ten-foot-wide circle.  Causes minimal damage, but impedes concentration.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 1.  Cost: 25 mana.  Duration: 5 minutes.  Range 20 feet.  Cast time: 1 second.  Cool down: 20 minutes.

·        Weak Paralysis Beam: Fires a beam that will lock the target’s body into position.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 5.  Cost: 39 mana.  Duration: 4 seconds.  Range: 25 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 6 minutes.  

·        Weak Rending Talons: Summons invisible claws to attack all targets within a 10-foot AoE.  This is a spell of Earth Magic, level 4.  Cost: 52 mana.  Duration: 8 seconds.  Range: 60 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.  

·        Weak Sonic Wail: Creates a sound attack with your voice.  All within the cone-shaped AoE suffer damage and risk being deafened.  This is a spell of Earth, level 6.  Cost: 27 mana.  Duration: 3 seconds.  Range: 20 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 1 minute.

·        Summon Weak Saproling: Summons a level five forest elemental to do your bidding.  This is a spell of Earth, level 6.  Cost: 39 mana.  Duration: 5 minutes.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 1 hour.

·        Weak Thorns Underfoot: Creates a field of thorns in a 30x30-yard area.  Most likely would not be noticed by anyone wearing stout boots, the spell can cause extreme discomfort and minor damage to anyone barefoot or to animals.  This is a spell of Earth, level 1.  Cost:  51 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 20 yards.  Cast Time: 5 seconds.  Cooldown:  N/A.


·        Weak Fireball:  Fires a ball of flame that detonates upon impact.  Flames are spread out from this area dousing anyone within a ten-meter radius in fire.  Chance to cause Burn.  Damage 20-25.  This is a spell of Fire, level 12.  Cost: 79 mana.  Duration: 1 second after impact.  Range: 100 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.

·        Weak Flame: Shoots a weak gout of flame from your hand.  Chance to cause Burn.  3-5 Damage per second.  This is a spell of Fire Magic, level 1.  Cost: 10 mana.  Duration: 3 seconds.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.


·        Weak Ice Dagger: Throws a dagger made of ice at your target.  Damage 5-6. This is a spell of Water Magic, level 1.  Cost 20 mana.  Duration: 1 min.  Range: 40 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Slow: Slows the target by 10%.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 3.  Cost 25 mana.  Duration: 10 min.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Summon Weak Aether Carp: Summons a five-foot magical fish to serve you.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 5.  Cost 42 mana.  Duration: 12 min.  Range: 7 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds. Cooldown: 43 minutes.

·        Weak Find Water: Allows you to sense sources of water within 100 feet of your location.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 1.  Cost: 17 mana. Duration: 10 min.  Range: 100 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Teatro’s Weak Water Casting: Allows you to cast Novice ranked Water, Life and Dark spells underwater.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 4.  Cost 65 mana.  Duration: 2 hours.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: 1 day.

·        Weak Purify Drink:  Clears a cup, flask, skin or other small holding container of any weak impurities, poisons or diseases.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 3.  Cost: 16 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 4 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Water Damage: Adds +1 damage to any weapon.  Provides 1% chance to afflict a struck enemy with Weak Slow, decreasing their movement and attack speed by 10%.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 3.  Cost: 26 mana.  Duration: 22 minutes.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 27 minutes.

·        Weak Swift Swim:  Increases your swimming speed by 50%.  This is a spell of Water Magic, level 4.  Cost: 28 mana.  Duration: 8 minutes.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 21 minutes.


·        Weak Banish Undead: Dissipates the energy allowing a Death creature to exist in this plane unless target resists.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 3.  Cost: 40 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 40 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 5 minutes.

·        Call Weak Small Creature:  Calls any non-sapient creature of ‘Small’ size (2-4 ft long) in the immediate area to the caster.  Creature will then follow simple commands follow simple commands.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost: 12 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 50 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 14 minutes.

·        Weak Charm: Convinces an enemy that they are your friend.  In battle, they will fight for you.  Casting this upon a creature lowers they regard for you after the spell wears off.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost 60 mana.  Duration: 1 hour.  Range: 20 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.

·        Weak Courage: Improves your Fighting Spirit by +50.   This is a spell of Life Magic, level 4. Cost: 25 mana. Duration: 15 min. Range: Self. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 15 min.

·        Weak Cure Disease:  Cures most weak diseases.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost: 62 mana.  Duration: 1 minute.  Range: 20 feet.  Cast time: 6 seconds.  Cooldown: 8 minutes.

·        Weak Cure Poison:  Removes most weak poison effects.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost 50 mana.  Duration: 1 second.  Range: Touch. Cast time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 30 seconds.

·        Weak Detect Hostile Intent:  Reveals if any creatures within ten yards have an active deadly intent towards you.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 8. Cost: 38 mana.  Duration: 1 minute.  Range: 15 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Life Armor: Increases Defense of all armor pieces by +1 (+2 vs. Death).  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 5.  Cost: 30 mana.  Duration: 10 min. Range: Self. Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Life Aura: Surrounds the caster’s body with a golden shield of pure Life energy.  Any nearby death, dead or undead creatures will be discomforted.  Any actual contact with the shield will cause damage to the undead.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 3.  Cost: 50 mana.  Duration: 15 minutes.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 20 minutes.  

·        Weak Life Beacon: Shoots a golden flare high into the air.  Any creatures within one mile that have a relationship to you of friendly or above will be compelled to come to your aid.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1. Cost: 38 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 1 mile.  Cast time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: 6 hours.

·        Weak Life Bolt: Fire a bolt of concentrated Life energy.  Damage 5-10 (10-20 vs Death).  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 4.  Cost: 22 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 30 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 2 minutes.

·        Weak Mend Bone:  Fixes small uncomplicated breaks in bone.  Must be targeted to each fracture.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 8.  Cost: 59 mana.  Duration: 1 second.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 15 seconds.

·        Weak Slow Heal:  Restores 30 missing health over 60 seconds.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost 20 mana.  Duration: 6 seconds.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 1 min.

·        Minor Slow Heal:  Restore 90 missing health over 60 seconds.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 9.  Cost: 56 mana.  Duration: 60 seconds.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 1 min.

·        Soul Trap:  Binds the soul of the target to this plane, preventing passage to the beyond at the time of death.  They will instead be pulled into any nearby empty soul stone of appropriate size.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost: 30 mana.  Duration: 2 minutes.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Static Life Shield:  Creates a magical sphere around you comprised of Life magic.  The shield has 100 HPs.  Shield defense strength +3 (+6 vs Death).  Ineffective against Life attacks.  Only Life-based spells may leave the boundaries of the shield.  Physically touching your own shield will dispel it.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 10.  Cost: 127 mana.  Duration: 5 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 38 minutes.

·        Summon Weak Gold Fox:  Summons a magical fox that will heal you and allies for one hundred points each.  The fox may heal five times before disappearing.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 10.  Cost: 102 mana.  Duration: 14 minutes.  Range: 11 feet.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 4 hours.

·        Summon Weak Life Wisp: Summons an entity comprised of Life magic.  Will float in the area and restore a total of 100 health to you or one of your allies.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 6.  Cost 60 mana.  Duration: 5 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: 20 minutes.

·        Summon Weak Luminous Butterflies:  Summons a small number of glowing butterflies.  Any creature of positive alignment who catches one of these butterflies will have a boost to their stamina for one day.  Total boost equal to 1% per number of alignment.  Only one butterfly may affect each individual.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost: 17 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 1 foot.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 1 minute.

·        Weak Stabilize:  Decreases the rate of bleeding and total bleeding time if a target is stricken with a ‘Bleeding’ status.  Effects will vary based on extent of the injuries.  This is a spell of Life, level 3.  Cost: 27 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 1 minute.

·        Virol’s Blessing: Increases the yield and potency of a 20x20-yard area of plants by 5%.  Successive casts of this spell create a cumulative effect for a max of 100%.  This spell can be cast once per day.  This is a spell of Life Magic, level 1.  Cost: 84 mana.  Duration: Permanent effect.  Range: 20 yards.  Cast time: 4 minutes.  Cooldown: 1 day.


·        Summon Weak Bile Rats:  Summons a small nest of bile rats.  The bites of these creatures can cause nausea.  This is a spell of Death Magic, level 1.  Cost: 27 mana.  Duration: 6 minutes.  Range: 3 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 14 minutes.

·        Laughing Skull: Fires a chattering skull made of Death energy at a target.  Damage 10-20.  Chance that target will be afflicted with Fear debuff.  This is a spell of Death Magic, level 5.  Cost: 39 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 50 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 2 minutes.

·        Summon Weak Zombie.  Summons a Death Spirit to inhabit the remains of a recently deceased creature.  The summoned creature’s level will be 3+10% of the target’s total experience.  Max level of 10.  No abilities or skills will be carried through to this new summoned creature, but inherent racial abilities may still be maintained.  This is a spell of Death Magic, level 5.  Cost: 63 mana.  Duration: 1 hour.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.


·        Create Soul Stone (common):  Creates soul stones up to common level.  This is a spell level 5.  Cost: 25 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 1 foot.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Create Soul Stone (luminous):  Creates soul stones up to luminous level.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 15.  Cost: 50 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 1 foot.  Cast Time: 3 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Far Light: Creates a ball of white light that can be fixed to a distant surface.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 1.  Cost: 5 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 100 yards.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cool Down: N/A.

·        Simple Light: Creates a ball of white light that will hover above your head and move with you.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 1.  Cost: 2 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cool Down: N/A.

·        Weak Magic Missiles:  Produces colorful balls of magical force that fly unerringly towards the enemy.  Damage: 4-5 points of Magical Force per ball.  Each sphere can be directed towards different enemies.  Number of missiles is determined by (1 + Light Magic/5).  Maximum 7 missiles.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 5.  Cost: 38 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 100 yards.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 5 minutes.

·        Mirror: Creates a 6x3-foot insubstantial reflective surface.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 1.  Cost: 15 mana.  Duration: 1 minute.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cool Down: N/A.

Weak Mirror Image: Summons a duplicate image of yourself to a nearby location.  It will duplicate your actions with small variations to take terrain into account.  Number of images is determined by Light Magic/5.  Max 5 images.  This is a spell of Light Magic, level 7.  Cost: 61 mana.  Duration: 8 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.


·        Weak Cloying Darkness: Casts a cone of thickened darkness from your hand.  Movement and Attack speed of targets decreased by 20%.  All in AoE will suffer from spell.  Will not work in direct sunlight.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 2.  Cost: 30 mana.  Duration: 10 minutes.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 5 minutes.

·        Weak Dark Bolts: Fires a bolt of concentrated Dark energy at your target.  For every three skill levels the caster has in Dark magic, the spell will fire another bolt (Max 10).  Damage 7-9.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 4.  Cost: 31 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: 40 feet.  Cast Time: 2 seconds.  Cooldown: 30 minutes.  

·        Darkvision: Provides Darkvision for 25 yards.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 2.  Cost: 43 mana.  Duration: 20 minutes.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 5 minutes.  

·        Flood of Darkness: Blankets an area 25 yards around you in darkness.   Effect banished by direct sunlight.  Blocks all light-based sight.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 3.  Cost: 46 mana.  Duration: 1 minute.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: 45 minutes.  

·        Night Vision: Illuminates low-light areas.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 1.  Cost: 5 mana.  Duration: 3 hours.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Troubled Sleep: Places your target in a restless sleep in which he will be plagued by nightmares until awakening.  Any attack or hostile action taken against target will awaken them.  AoE five feet.  This is a spell of Dark Magic, level 3.  Cost: 50 mana.  Duration: 1 hour.  Range: 15 feet.  Cast time: 3 seconds.  Cool down: 15 minutes.


·        Tame: Bends the will of a creature to your own.  Creature level must be less than or equal to your rank in the skill: Beast Bonding.  At the rank of Novice, you may attempt to tame weak level souls and may use the spell once per day.  If you tame the same creature for a required number of days in a row, then it will be loyal to you till death.  As a novice in Beast Bonding, the required time is six days for every level of the creature you have tamed.  Betray the sacred trust with your bonded beast to your peril!  This is a spell of Blood Magic, level 1.  Cost:100 mana, 100 health, 100 stamina.  Duration: 40 hours.  Range: Touch.  Cast Time: 5 seconds.  Cooldown: 12 hours.

·        Blood Mana: Allows caster to replenish and increase their mana pool.  Can absorb 1 mana/Blood Magic skill level from each blood source.  Maximum mana from each blood source is determined by total health/10.  This is a spell of Blood Magic, level 10.  Cost: 21 mana.  Duration:  1 hour.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 1 second.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Weak Vitality Puppet: Allows you to take complete control over one other creature that has blood.  This is a spell of Blood Magic, level 10.  Cost: 200 Health and 184 mana.  Duration: 20 minutes.  Range: 30 yards.  Cast Time: 5 seconds.  Cooldown: 1 day




·        Weak Aura Lance:  Fires a blast of spiritual energy at your target.  Does no physical damage, but causes disruption of the target’s aura.  Reduces resistance to all spell types.  This is a spell of Spirit Magic, level 1.  Cost: 168 mana.  Duration: 1 hour.  Range: 100 feet.  Cast Time: 10 seconds.  Cooldown: 1 day.


·        Akaton Evolution: Triggers the evolution of a summoned creature or pet. In the case of summoned creatures, it will also lengthen the spell duration of your summoning by 50%.  This spell will not work on sapient beings.  This is a spell of Chaos Magic, level 1.  Cost: 146 (base 183) mana.  Duration: 50 minutes.  Range: 5 feet.  Cast Time: 4 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.


·        Dungeon Transport: Instantly transports yourself and any creatures within five yards to any accessed Node in the Dungeon of Bloody Chaos.  This is a spell of your settlement.  Must be cast within the domain of the village.  Cost: 100 mana.  Duration: Instant.  Range: Self.  Cast Time: 8 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Summon Mist Worker: Summons a level 1 mist worker.  This creature is able to perform simple tasks of menial labor.  The mist-like properties of your constructs halve all physical damage.  This is a spell of your settlement.  Can only be cast within the domain of your village.  Cost: 100 mana.  Duration 24 hours.  Range: 10 feet.  Cast Time: 30 seconds.  Cooldown: N/A.

·        Summon Mist Light: Summons a ball of glowing grey energy that can adhere to any surface or hang in midair. The light can be moved as needed. The properties of your Place of Power will keep this spell going much longer than almost any other spell.  This is a spell of your settlement.  Can only be cast within the domain of your village.  Cost: 50 mana.  Duration: 1 year.  Range:  500 feet.  Cast Time: 1 minute.


Manifest Mana: This spell has no specific affinity for any type of magic.  Instead, the power and effects of this spell are determined by the skill level of Mana Manipulation.  Successful casting of this spell makes your mana tangible in the physical world.  At skill level one, the cost is 100 mana.  If thrown at an attacker, will cause 1 point of magical force damage.  This is an unaligned spell, level 1.  Cost: Variable.  Duration: Instant.  Range: Variable.  Cast Time: Variable.  Cooldown: N/A.