100 THOUSAND ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reviews!

Audible’s Customer Favorite of the Year!

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FB Live 5.27.18

Please Share and Tag a Friend in the Comments lol Summary:

1) We have raised almost $400 for Books for Africa. Thank you for being so wonderful! Still plenty of bumper stickers to give away! If you want a free one, just email me at If you buy one for $5 though, ALL proceeds go to the charity Original Post here:

2) Last month, we raised $5000 for Brotherhood Sister Sol, a nonprofit focused on helping children succeed in life. I am blown away by ya'll! :)

3) I'll be at DragonCon, hope I see you there

4) The 3rd annual LitRPG Gala will be happening at the same time, either Aug 31 or Sept 1 in Atlanta!!! Rock your Mist Village gear lol

5) Nick is almost done with the audio for Book 7. Predators will be on Audible in June!

6) Book 8 and other projects are well on the way. You WONT have to wait a year lol

7) More artwork is coming! Thank you, thank you! I am honored to have so many awesome readers. Stay wonderful ya'll! Peace, Love and the Perfect Margarita! :)

#litrpg #aleron #theland #mistvillage
