Chaos Seeds — LitRPG

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Chaos Seeds

February 2017 GIVEAWAY!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
The release went so great! I got into the top 100 titles on Amazon. I still can't believe it :)

I could not have done this without the help of my wonderful fans!

You deserve a thank you lol.

The giveaway this month is going to include TEN Audiobooks! WHHHHAAAAATTTT lol. And the grand prize winner gets a free T-shirt!

I mean it!:

To enter its simple, just post a link to my first book on your FB page. Take a screenshot, and either
1) message it to me on FB
2) email it to

Easy peasy!!!!

Thank you again!

You guys rock

What a great week!

Guys it's been a great week! Thanks so much to my fans for supporting my new book and thanks to my awesome patrons for supporting me as an author and getting the sneak peek chapters. I am blown away by how many of you signed up to get chapters in advance. 

I owe some of you signed copies of my first book. I am signing them now and they'll be in your hands soon! It's pretty surreal every time I mail out books. Even with being on book six, I am just happy you guys like reading them. 

Many, many thanks and as always peace love and the perfect margarita!