FB Live 7.15.18
We announced the winners of LAND-A-PALOOZA!!!
Every simple Adventurer won something b/c #AleronComesWithTheFREE! lol
The Grand Prize of an entire set of Signed Hardbacks and a Signed Map went to Brendon Brady!!! Congrats dude :)
Now a summary of the rest:
1) DragonCon is coming up. I'll see you there!
2) I'll also be at New York ComicCon and CONjuration
3) Working on Book 8 and hoping for a release by the end of the year!
4) Posters of the new artwork are for sale now on the LitRPG site www.litrpg.com/store
5) I reworked the website, please check it out :) www.litrpg.com
6) Box sets are for sale on the site too!
7) Maps of the Mist Village are in the works!!!!!
Thank you so much for your support ya'll! I am humbled and honored :)
As always, Peace, Love and the Perfect Margarita! lol
~ Aleron